Saturday, August 25, 2007

My birthday(:
Thank you everyone for the smses, cards, presents(:
I loved everything(:
I know some people took great pains to get the present(:
Thank you YOU YOU YOU and YOU!
I love it when my hp keeps ringing, with the Happy birthday messgaes(:
It's a once a year thing you know(:
So i'm happy to keep reading and reading them(:
Just went shopping with my mummy!
She bought her stuff, and i bought mine(:
I haven't gone shopping for quite long, it feels GREAT to be out!
Shopping next friday with GLENNICE(:
Then studying.
Studying again-.-
Okay i must do 2x better than this term(:

I'm sleepy now(:
Thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday(:
I'm feeling really happy now!

grace I said goodnight at Saturday, August 25, 2007.